Friday, June 1, 2007

Shared Resources

The next logical step is to share your other resources with your school, friends and colleagues. I have found that a really simple way to share a PowerPoint presentation is to convert it to a .mov file using Camtasia and uploading it to YouTube . You just paste the embed data from the Youtube site to your Blog and you're done! Here's an example of a PowerPoint presentation I did for an Engineering Fair to explain to the public the basics of the TV digital transition path.


abaralt said...

Thanks for sharing about Camtasia. I always have trouble turning my larger PowerPoints into .mov files. I 'll have to try it out.

Matthew said...

I would really like to talk to you about your job. I run a studio at my elementary school and would enjoy talking to you about some of the things that you are doing on a much grander scale than we are. Thanks!

Sheila D. said...

I have been trying to add a U tube or teacher tube to my blog and have been having a lot of trouble, but I'll keep trying. If I get to the point that I think I am going to give up...I am contacting you. Your blog is great! Thanks for sharing.

Ms. B said...

Thanks for sharing the tip on uploading power point. I've learned so much but that seems like a critical tool. Might I suggest uploading good educational power points to I'm going to stalk that site all summer!

M. Ogburn said...

Fabulous information. Also the comment about Always something new.....