Friday, June 1, 2007

Shared Resources

The next logical step is to share your other resources with your school, friends and colleagues. I have found that a really simple way to share a PowerPoint presentation is to convert it to a .mov file using Camtasia and uploading it to YouTube . You just paste the embed data from the Youtube site to your Blog and you're done! Here's an example of a PowerPoint presentation I did for an Engineering Fair to explain to the public the basics of the TV digital transition path.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Past is Present again

The read/write web or Web 2.0 has the power to bring us all together in a world where there is no difference between the reader and the author or the teacher and the student. A world where we can share our knowledge and our experiences and interact with others.

How can this technology teach? We can interact with people from diverse cultures, ethnicity and even ages. People with opinions or interests can post and their posts can become conversations. We can learn as we seek to understand each other and research our own opinions for public consumption.

I'd like to share an example of the learning experience of sharing and interacting by inviting you to view Geriatric1927.

In some distant past we learned from the elders through oral tradition sitting around the campfire, and now this elderly gentleman has over 270,000 views , over 2,000 comments and over 4,000 emails. People are learning from living history and now have the ability to talk directly to each other across the digital campfire of the global village


Byblos is one of the oldest inhabited towns in the world. The name Byblos is Greek and means papyrus, which was exported through this port city. The name became synonymous for book and is still used, as in the French language and also for terms like the “Holy Bible”.
The Phoenician alphabet was created at Byblos. This predates the Greek alphabet which is derived from it. The alphabet and the ability to write on papyrus was a pivotal technology in the history of mankind.
Today we continue on the journey of civilization with new electronic technology that has the potential to again fundamentally change the course of humanity. In this blog, we will investigate these new technologies and how they apply to education both in the schools and in industry.