Saturday, May 28, 2011


Prezi is presentation software. It is a little hard describe, but basically it uses a white board concept of showing the complete view of the presentation in space and as the presenter "clicks" through, the objects are zoomed and rotated in sequence. Videos and pictures as well as text can be used. The app is free and there desktop as well as Ipad versions. The tutorials provided on the site are well created and the two basic tools used to create the Prezi, the "zebra menu and the bubble menu" are intuitive and easy to use. You can use the bubble menu to directly insert a Youtube video URL into the presentation. I've added a Prezi presentation video that goes through the basics. Prezi is interesting and fairly easy to use software and we all need new tools to make our presentations stand out and get our points across. One word of advice is that in reviewing several Prezi presentations in a row , I started to feel a little seasick, so watch your pacing and respect your audience.

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